There are views of Hegel's thought as the summit of early 19th-century German philosophical idealism. [103] Kaufmann wrote: Aside to his beloved Greeks, Hegel saw before him the example of Spinoza and, in his own time, the poetry of Goethe, Schiller, and Hölderlin, who also liked to speak of gods and the divine. [52]: 223 Hegel attempted to enlist the help of the poet and translator Johann Heinrich Voß to obtain a post at the renascent University of Heidelberg, but he failed. the Reign of Terror that followed) and would result in a "synthesis" (e.g. November 1831 in Berlin. Juni 2006Hegel (1770-1831) gehört neben JG Fichte und FWJ von Schelling zur Zeit des „deutschen Idealismus"in den Jahrzehnten nach Kant. [117], The Left Hegelians also influenced Marxism, which has in turn inspired global movements, from the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Revolution and myriad of practices up until the present moment.[117]. Berlin 1827, 1830), tr. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 7EINLEITUNG Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegels nachgelassene Papiere gehören seit über 100 Jahren zu den Beständen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - damals Königliche Bibliothek des Staates Preußen. Ludwig Stern fertigte von dem Nachlaß ... She died of bilious fever (Gallenfieber) when Hegel was thirteen. Hegal was of the view that reason was all powerful, not your reason or not my reason, but the World Reason, Universal Consciousness, an Absolute. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. In the United States, Hegel's influence is evident in pragmatism. The State subsumes family and civil society and fulfills them. Although the violence of the 1793 Reign of Terror dampened Hegel's hopes, he continued to identify with the moderate Girondin faction and never lost his commitment to the principles of 1789, which he expressed by drinking a toast to the storming of the Bastille every fourteenth of July.[57]. Though he then took the theological course, he was impatient with the orthodoxy of his teachers; and the certificate given to him when he left in 1793 states that, whereas he had devoted himself vigorously to philosophy, his industry in theology was intermittent. Hegel was deeply disturbed by the riots for reform in Berlin in that year. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born in Stuttgart in 1770; his father was a civil servant. Within this work, the category of life is conceived to be the absolute idea in the form of the subjective concept; an illustrative contrast may be seen in contrasting this with how the category of cognition is thought as being the absolute idea in the form of the judgement. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Biography… Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born in August 27, 1770, in southwest Germany, in a town called Stuttgart. Died On : November 14, 1831. Hegel was the last of the great system builders of Western philosophy and the greatest and most extravagant representative of the school of absolute idealism. [58] In 1799, he wrote another essay entitled "The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate",[59] unpublished during his lifetime. He formulated an early philosophical example of a disenchantment narrative, arguing that Judaism was responsible both for realizing the existence of Geist and, by extension, for separating nature from ideas of spiritual and magical forces and challenging polytheism. Whatever the nous thinks at any time is actual substance and is identical to limited being, but more remains in the substrate of non-being, which is identical to pure or unlimited thought. Hegel takes up the project that Kant suggested is necessary but did not complete, namely "to take note of and, as far as possible, completely catalog" the derivative concepts of the pure understanding and "completely illustrate its family tree. On the left, it became the foundation for Karl Marx's civil society as an economic base;[95] to the right, it became a description for all non-state (and the state is the peak of the objective spirit) aspects of society, including culture, society and politics. This is because, as Hegel suggested by his introduction of the concept of "reality",[89]: 111 what determines itself—rather than depending on its relations to other things for its essential character—is more fully "real" (following the Latin etymology of "real", more "thing-like") than what does not. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Biography. In a separate Canadian context, James Doull's philosophy is deeply Hegelian. The Right Hegelians, the allegedly direct disciples of Hegel at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, advocated a Protestant orthodoxy and the political conservatism of the post-Napoleon Restoration period. He was the eldest of three children born to Georg Ludwig, who worked for the civil service, and Maria Magdalena, the daughter of a high-ranking lawyer at the Württemberg court. The origin of philosophy is to be dated from Heraclitus. The State involves three "moments". [52]: 2–3, 745 Hegel's mother, Maria Magdalena Louisa (née Fromm), was the daughter of a lawyer at the High Court of Justice at the Württemberg court. He/she is born under the zodiac virgo, who is known for Analyzing, Practical, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful. For this reason, Hegel's Logic begins with "Being, pure Being"––which is the abstract idea of God ("and God has the absolutely undisputed right that the beginning be made with him"[76])––from which issue the further determinations of becoming, determinate being, something, infinity, and so on. To the contrary, the fundamental notion of Hegel's dialectic is that things or ideas have internal contradictions. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Stuttgart, actual Alemania, 1770 - Berlín, 1831) Filósofo alemán. Hegel a influencé la philosophie contemporaine en rassemblant tous les savoirs selon une logique dialectique, la phénoménologie de l'esprit. Die Serie "Meisterwerke der Literatur" beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung für Ihren eBook Reader. © 2021 The Foundation for Constitutional Government Inc. All rights reserved. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, geboren . Encyclopaedia Logic (also known as Shorter Logic) (Heidelberg, 1817, rev. The following February marked the birth of Hegel's illegitimate son, Georg Ludwig Friedrich Fischer (1807–1831), as the result of an affair with Hegel's landlady Christiana Burkhardt née Fischer (who had been abandoned by her husband). [75], In other words, every concept thus contains a contradiction that is itself the determination of another concept. The fully concrete system of logic (what Hegel calls the "diamond net" of concepts) thus grows out of a single, abstract seed concept––just as a tree grows from an actual seed. Hegel began to suffer from melancholia and, to cure himself, worked harder than ever, especially at Greek philosophy and modern history and politics. ". Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Biography… Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born in August 27, 1770, in southwest Germany, in a town called Stuttgart. Differenz des Fichteschen und Schellingschen Systems der Philosophie. August: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel wird in Stuttgart als Sohn des Rentkammersekretärs und späteren Expeditionsrates Georg Ludwig Hegel und seiner Frau Maria Magdalena, geb. Biografia de Friedrich Hegel. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, known to friends and family as Wilhelm, was born on August 27, 1770, in Stuttgart, Germany. Hegel and his father also caught the disease, but they narrowly survived. Hegel rendered these dualities intelligible by (ultimately) his argument in the "Quality" chapter of the "Science of Logic". Jahrhunderts. Heraclitus did not form any abstract nouns from his ordinary use of "to be" and "to become" and seemed to oppose any identity A to any other identity B, C and so on, which is not-A. Kaufmann also pointed out that Hegel's references to God or to the divine and spirit drew on classical Greek as well as Christian connotations of the terms. Along with J.G. Hegel devoted himself primarily to delivering lectures; his lectures on aesthetics, the philosophy of religion, the philosophy of history and the history of philosophy were published posthumously from students' notes. the French Revolution) would cause the creation of its "antithesis" (e.g. Access to the full content is only available to members of institutions that have purchased access. [citation needed]. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Biografie mit den wichtigsten Stationen im Leben des deutschen Philosophen Hegel. Der Mut der Wahrheit, der Glaube an die Macht des Geistes ist die erste Bedingung der Philosophie. He studied in Stuttgart, and after graduating from the gymnasium there he began to study philosophy and theology in the seminary in Tübingen. Among the first to take a critical view of Hegel's system was the 19th-century German group known as the Young Hegelians, which included Feuerbach, Marx, Engels and their followers. This includes the Encyclopaedia Logic, Philosophy of Nature and Philosophy of Mind. Philosopher. [52]: 4, At the age of three, Hegel went to the German School. For the next three years he lived in Berne, with time on his hands and the run of a good library, where he read Edward Gibbon on the fall of the Roman Empire and De l’esprit des loix (1750; The Spirit of Laws), by Charles Louis, baron de Montesquieu, as well as the Greek and Roman classics. By 14 November, Hegel was dead. As an absolute idealist inspired by Christian insights and grounded in his mastery of a fantastic fund of concrete knowledge, Hegel found a place for everything—logical, natural, human, and divine—in a dialectical scheme that repeatedly swung from thesis to antithesis and back again to a higher and richer synthesis. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, dessen 250. Click and Collect from your local Waterstones or get FREE UK delivery on orders over £25. Author's preface to "On The Fourfold Root of the Principle of sufficient reason. )[36][a], Hegel influenced a wide variety of thinkers and writers. According to their argument, although Hegel referred to "the two elemental considerations: first, the idea of freedom as the absolute and final aim; secondly, the means for realising it, i.e. ), a practice that goes back to the Pythagorean Table of Opposites, Plato's Sophist, Aristotle's Categories. This sparked a renewed interest in Hegel reflected in the work of Herbert Marcuse, Theodor W. Adorno, Ernst Bloch, Raya Dunayevskaya, Alexandre Kojève and Gotthard Günther among others. The Hegelian view was that there were fundamental laws which drove the development of a culture or a country; that a culture or a country has a kind of a personality of its own, and its development is to be . Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Über die englische Reformbill Edition Holzinger. [65], Pinkard (2000) notes that Hegel's comment to Niethammer "is all the more striking since he had already composed the crucial section of the Phenomenology in which he remarked that the Revolution had now officially passed to another land (Germany) that would complete 'in thought' what the Revolution had only partially accomplished in practice". ); 1984; "[T]he task that touches the interest of philosophy most nearly at the present moment: to put God back at the peak of philosophy, absolutely prior to all else as the one and only ground of everything." Zum 250. ". Modern philosophy, culture and society seemed to Hegel fraught with contradictions and tensions, such as those between the subject and object of knowledge, mind and nature, self and Other, freedom and authority, knowledge and faith, or the Enlightenment and Romanticism. [102]: 100 He espouses that "God is not an abstraction but a concrete God [...] God, considered in terms of his eternal Idea, has to generate the Son, has to distinguish himself from himself; he is the process of differentiating, namely, love and Spirit". GEORGWILHELMFRIEDRICHHEGEL ThePhenomenologyofSpirit Hegel'sPhenomenologyofSpirit(1807)isoneofthemostinfluential textsinthehistoryofmodernphilosophy.Init . Le sens et son phénomène. Projet d'un Lexique de la Phénoménologie de l'Esprit - Dieter Henrich / J. L. Döderlein. Carl Immanuel Diez. Ankündigung einer Ausgabe seiner Schriften und Briefe - Josef Zumr. Hegel und die Slawen. His father was a civil servant in the department of finance. Two prominent American philosophers, John McDowell and Robert Brandom (sometimes referred to as the "Pittsburgh Hegelians"), have produced philosophical works with a marked Hegelian influence. Hegel's contemporary Schopenhauer was particularly critical and wrote of Hegel's philosophy as "a pseudo-philosophy paralyzing all mental powers, stifling all real thinking". He was one of the last prominent philosophical system builders in the modern era. Hegel recounted his impressions in a letter to his friend Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer: I saw the Emperor—this world-soul [Weltseele]—riding out of the city on reconnaissance. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. [112], Some of Hegel's writing was intended for those with advanced knowledge of philosophy, although his Encyclopedia was intended as a textbook in a university course. The Left Hegelians, also known as the Young Hegelians, interpreted Hegel in a revolutionary sense, leading to an advocation of atheism in religion and liberal democracy in politics. [111] After less than a generation, Hegel's philosophy was banned by the Prussian right-wing and was firmly rejected by the left-wing in multiple official writings. And doctrines of inference lay out the forms of syllogisms originally found in Aristotelian term logic. [96] For Hegel, Heraclitus's great achievements were to have understood the nature of the infinite, which for Hegel includes understanding the inherent contradictoriness and negativity of reality; and to have grasped that reality is becoming or process and that "being" and "nothingness" are empty abstractions. Hegel asserted that, in Heraclitus, he had an antecedent for his logic: "[...] there is no proposition of Heraclitus which I have not adopted in my logic".[97]. Hegel's remaining two sons—Karl, who became a historian; and Immanuel [de], who followed a theological path—lived long and safeguarded their father's manuscripts and letters, and produced editions of his works. He was also said to be poor in oral exposition, a deficiency that was to dog him throughout his life. [108]: 203 In his political philosophy, he criticized Karl Ludwig von Haller's reactionary work, which claimed that laws were not necessary. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. According to Hegel, this unity evolved through and manifested itself in contradiction and negation. His fame spread and his lectures attracted students from all over Germany and beyond. The universe as becoming is a combination of being and non-being. Scholars continue to point out Hegelian influences in a range of theoretical and/or learned works, such as Carl von Clausewitz's book on strategic thought, On War (1831). His thoughts on the person of Jesus Christ stood out from the theologies of the Enlightenment. However, Hegel himself describes the system as a "circle of circles:", ...the science presents itself as a circle that winds around itself, where the mediation winds the end back to the beginning which is the simple ground; the circle is thus a circle of circles, for each single member ensouled by the method is reflected into itself so that, in returning to the beginning it is at the same time the beginning of a new member.[86]. Stefan Gruner: "Hegel's Aether Doctrine". In 1818, Hegel accepted the renewed offer of the chair of philosophy at the University of Berlin, which had remained vacant since Johann Gottlieb Fichte's death in 1814. According to Benedetto Croce, the Italian Fascist Giovanni Gentile "holds the honor of having been the most rigorous neo-Hegelian in the entire history of Western philosophy and the dishonor of having been the official philosopher of Fascism in Italy". Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Just as humans continually correct their concept of reality through a dialectical process, God becomes more fully manifested through the dialectical process of becoming. [46][47][44][48][45][39] Jacques Derrida wrote of Hegel in his work Of Grammatology that "if there were a definition of Différance, it would be precisely the limit, the interruption, the destruction of the Hegelian dialectical synthesis wherever it operates. The particular is never complete in itself, but in its quest to find completion continually transforms into more comprehensive, complex, self-relating particulars. Fromm, geboren. Im Buch gefunden – Seite viiSo kam es dennF daß ieh- als Saft Marheinekfo- mit diefem und feiner Frau auch zur Geburtetagsfeier Hegels nach ... Diefe Situation könnte nachtheilig erfcheinen- eine Biographie* zu fehreiireny deren Local wefenelich Deutftiyland iii. Foi precursor do existencialismo e do marxismo. The second essay was an answer to the question of how Christianity had ever become the authoritarian religion that it was, if in fact the teaching of Jesus was not authoritarian but rationalistic. [99] Pure being and pure non-being or nothingness are, for Hegel, abstractions from the reality of becoming and this is also how he interprets Heraclitus. Hegel was of the German idealist school. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Biography, Books, & Facts . Studienarbeit aus dem Fachbereich Philosophie - Philosophie des 17. und 18. Geburtsjahr von Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel hat der Philosophieprofessor Klaus Vieweg eine neue Biografie des großen deutschen Denkers vorgelegt. [133] Popper also makes the claim in the second volume of The Open Society and Its Enemies (1945) that Hegel's system formed a thinly veiled justification for the absolute rule of Frederick William III and that Hegel's idea of the ultimate goal of history was to reach a state approximating that of 1830s Prussia. von Schelling, Hegel (1770-1831) belongs to the period of German idealism in the decades following Kant. In accordance with his wishes, Hegel was buried in the Dorotheenstadt cemetery next to Fichte and Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger. It is indeed a wonderful sensation to see such an individual, who, concentrated here at a single point, astride a horse, reaches out over the world and masters it. Also in 1797, the unpublished and unsigned manuscript of "The Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism" was written. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Quotes. You'll get access to all of the Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel content, as well as access to more than 30,000 . It was perfectly legitimate in Hegel's eyes for a conqueror, such as Napoleon, to come and destroy that which was not fully realized. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (/ˈheɪɡəl/; German: [ˈɡeːɔʁk ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈheːɡl̩ ]; August 27, 1770 - November 14, 1831) was a German philosopher and an important figure of German idealism. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Zitate. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel nasceu na cidade de Stuttgart em 1770 e pertenceu a uma família com fortes laços protestantes. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. He is one of the fundamental figures of Western philosophy, with his influence extending to . Hegels Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Rational being is called the idea. Herbert L. and Patricia Allen Dreyfus). This mind comprehends all of these phases and sub-parts as steps in its own process of comprehension. [62][63] Later in the year, Hegel's first book The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's Systems of Philosophy was completed. Unable to find more suitable employment, Hegel reluctantly accepted. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Su obra, al igual que la de otros filósofos alemanes de la época como Immanuel Kant, ejercieron un gran peso en el pensamiento, tanto en el país germánico como en el resto de Europa, allá por el siglo XVIII y XIX. Walter Jaeschke [de] and Otto Pöggeler in Germany as well as Peter Hodgson and Howard Kainz in the United States are notable for their recent contributions to post-Soviet Union thinking about Hegel. [73], Hegel's Science of Logic is a notable contribution to the philosophical study of category metaphysics in its post-Kantian form.
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